How to drink rosé wine

Rosé wine is normally drunk young, ideally from the current or preceding vintage. Its task is to refresh and create a light and vivid impression which, in rosé wines as they begin to mature, will generally start to fade.

In order that the wine present itself in its full beauty, it should be chilled to a temperature of between 8° C and 12° C. Rosé may even be served on ice or as part of some seductive cocktail. But, mind – rosé loses its special attractive character when over-chilled.

If you like to drink a wine spritzer you will love rosé wine. This light, effortlessly drinkable wine with its bewitching range of colours, however, suits the palates of most other wine drinkers as well. Besides, because of this freshness it can be served even in untraditional ways. Rosé belongs to the party, the picnic and also to the ever-popular barbecue. First and foremost a correctly chilled rosé wine is the ideal drink for balmy spring and summer evenings.

In the capricious summer you will perhaps wish to try a special “varietal” rosé wine – a so-called “beach wine”. You will get one by taking a bottle of your favourite rosé to the beach and burying it deep down in the sand where the wine will cool very nicely indeed.

When you bring a bottle of rosé wine home, you should store it in a cool place with a stable temperature. You should also be warned against keeping it anywhere in direct sunlight as this would substantially influence the wine's quality as well as shortening its life. This aspect is of fundamental importance to rosé wines since, because of their seductive colour, they come in transparent clear glass bottles.