Characteristics of St. Martin's Wine

Wines sold under the common name of St. Martin (St. Martin's logo on a white horse) on the label must meet the required criteria.

The quality and sensory properties (colour, aroma, taste) must be approved annually by an expert commission. 

The quality and sensory properties (colour, aroma, taste) must be approved annually by an expert commission. Only after this successful evaluation can winemakers market their wines under the St. Martin brand. Bottles must also be marked with common valves or screw caps marked with "Svatomartinské" (St. Martin) label.

Only the following early-ripening varieties are permitted for the production under the SVATOMARTINSKÉ trademark: 

However, in order to enjoy the natural freshness of young wine, you should consume it by spring at the latest, after which the wine may lose its exceptional taste and freshness.