Unlocking of the Horznové kozy nature trail with a wine tasting

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Opening ceremony of the season with a walk through the vineyards and cellar lane along the route of the Grape Goat Nature Trail, with wine traditions and tasting of local wines.
  • Date
    April 6, 2024
  • City
  • Place description
    Naučná stezka Hroznové kozy a náves u kostela


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The unlocking of the Grape Goat Nature Trail in Vrbovec, together with the carrying of the Grape Goat into the vineyard, is an opportunity to walk this 5 km long trail, leading through the vineyards and cellar alley of Vrbovec, in the company of members of the Friends of the Grape Goat Society, accompanied by the singing of a men's choir, to witness the revival of ancient traditions and to taste the wines of local winemakers.
At each stop along the route of the nature trail, a tasting of wines from one of the local wineries will be prepared. At the church square, at the start or finish, there will be a wine tasting of wines from the Guild of Willow Winegrowers, seating and hot refreshments, and dulcimer music will play.
The route is partly on paved and partly on dirt roads, in good weather it is passable by bike or with a baby carriage.

11 am - 8 pm. Vrbovec basket at the church square
from 1 p.m. meeting of participants
13:30 departure for the route of the nature trail
14-18 wine tasting at each stop of the trail
approx. 5 p.m. taking the Grape Goat from the granary to the vineyard
and return to the village square to sit with the dulcimer

In case of extremely bad weather, the route and programme may be modified.

For inspiration, watch the video from previous years on Youtube under the title "Vrbovec - Grape Goat 2018" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyGZcs54LKM&t=1s

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