Green work in the vineyard = quality grapes

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About event

How can we improve the quality of wine by working in the vineyard every day? Practical advice, information and comparison of applicable methods
  • Date
    May 28, 2024
  • City
  • Place description
    nám. Svobody 13


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A one-day course for wine enthusiasts and professionals.
The lecture will be full of practical advice and information, including a comparison of applicable methods.

Lecturer. Richard Danko
Independent viticulturist
Vine Master Pruner of Simonit & Sirch
Assistant at the Institute of Viticulture and Enology of MENDELU

Superstructure leaf wall management:
- Choice of management and composition of the leaf wall
- the grape hull can be reduced at almost every phenophase
- what to avoid and what not to underestimate when handling the grape cluster

Ask us questions:
What should a high-quality rootstock look like according to the Italian masters of pruning?
How can we influence the wine by destemming?
Is destemming the grape zone necessary in our conditions?
Handle reduction - halving, cutting or perhaps shaking?
When and why to reduce the harvest?
How can reduction of the bunch affect the following pruning of the vines?


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